January, 27th in Ukrainians cinemas

Best Comedy Shorts 2021

Let's take issues into our own hands if you're weary of chaos and bad news as well. You only need a movie ticket. Instead of tens of thousands of spas and therapists, Sit back in a comfortable chair and giggle for an hour and a half while sipping an ice-free sprite.
Best Comedy Shorts-2 Festival! in your city!

About the festival

On January 27, we will finally laugh this year at the screening of the short films “Best Comedy Shorts”

In 2021 a questionable sense of humor. The world's masters of horror never dreamed of such revulsion. And the events during the year encourage you to visit a psychotherapist.

If you are also tired of bad news, let's take matters into our own hands. All you need is a movie ticket. Kinolife has created a unique localization, adapted short films from around the world to our realities, and seasoned them with selected Ukrainian humor.

So just sit in a comfortable chair, sip an ice-free sprite, and laugh for an hour and a half.

* * * * *
Timing: 80 minutes
Age restriction: 18+
Language: voiced in Ukrainian
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