Available through July, 23, 2020


During the years of its existence, the Zaporizhzhya ZIFF International Film Festival has already managed to open dozens of incredibly cool short works from all over the world. It's time to show the best of them to Ukrainian moviegoers!
About the festival
During the years of its existence, the Zaporizhzhya ZIFF International Film Festival has already managed to open dozens of incredibly cool short works from all over the world. It's time to show the best of them to Ukrainian moviegoers!

The Best Shorts ZIFF. Spring Edition program features bright, fresh and up-to-date works by talented artists from France, Italy, Spain, China, Austria and Ukraine.

- France, Italy, Spain, Ukraine, China, Austria, 83 minutes, DCP, HD. Voice in Ukrainian -

Come, get inspired and fall in love with movies again and again!

Подобається фестиваль?
Ми співпрацюємо з більш ніж 100 кінотеатрами та кінолокаціями з 13 країн світу! Приєднуйся до спільноти поціновувачів коротого метру!
Отримайте інформацію, як провести показ у вас у закладі.
Усі дані залишаються конфіденційними.
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