Based on the book by Alexander Gavrosh "The Incredible Adventures of Ivan Strong"
Ivan Strong
The main role was played by the champion of Ukraine in powerlifting, artist of the American circus Dmitry Khaladzhi.
Ivan Firtsak, nicknamed Strong, became the prototype of the protagonist of the adventure film Ivan Strong. Together with the Czechoslovak circus, Ivan traveled half the world and earned the fame of the main strongman of the planet. The Ukrainian athlete won all fights against the best wrestlers in the world, surprised even the most sophisticated spectators with incredible performances and received a helmet and a belt inlaid with gold and diamonds from the hands of the British queen herself. But suddenly, being at the peak of popularity, in 1928 he drops everything and returns to his native Transcarpathia.
The image of Firtsak on the screen was embodied by Dmitry Khaladzhi, the champion of Ukraine in powerlifting, an artist of the American circus. All power stunts in the film are performed live.

Directors: Victor Andrienko
Year: 2013
Country Ukraine
Genre: children's, adventure, family
Duration: 89 minutes
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