No more God in Doctor

A young ER intern, Margaux is running on empty. On yet another night on call, the young woman accidentally forgets a patient on a gurney. Still in shock, Margaux is quickly asked to continue on with her work. Her body suddenly begins to sweat blood uncontrollably. Then begins a bitter struggle to stay alive.

Director: Marion Le Corroller
Cast: Judith Zins, Edéa Darcque, Marilyne Canto
Genre: 20-29 mn, Fantasy, Fiction
Duration: 28 minutes
Release: 2020
Country: France
Festivals & Awards
  • Côté Court – France
  • Festival Européen du Film Court de Brest – France – Prix Manifest
  • Festival International du Court Métrage de Clermont-Ferrand – France
  • Haapsalu Horror and Fantasy Film Festival – Estonia / Estonie – Out of competition
  • Parties de Campagne – France – Competition
  • Odense International Film Festival – Denmark / Danemark – Competition
  • Détours en Ciné-Court – France
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